I live in a pretty conservative area in East San Diego County. The theater was about 1/2 full and for a matinee that was surprising. The audience was made up of young, old, male and female. Mrs. 40 and I (both retired) didn’t yell but laughed out loud each time it happened. The audience members seemed pretty informed and clearly were not pro Obama. When he said If you like your plan you can keep your plan, they yelled LIAR! When he said We are not collecting data on individuals, the crowd yelled LIAR! It was hilarious. I can’t stand to hear the man speak so I didn’t mind. The film got a big ovation at the end also. :-)
That must have been awesome! I guess there were too few people when I went to get that going -- about 8 or 10, in a well-off suburb in a purple county of blue, blue Maryland. But I did hear a few audience members raving about it to the people waiting to get into the next showing.
Loved the Dinesh Diner scene where he took orders in a thick accent. So funny!