When I see the “re-use” towel placards to help save the planet, I toss them in the trash and the used towels (and unused) go on the floor for replacement every day. Just doing my part. ;>}
“When I see the re-use towel placards to help save the planet, I toss them in the trash and the used towels (and unused) go on the floor for replacement every day. Just doing my part. ;>}”
We do the same.
Let the enviral whacko/dumbed down liberals use dirty towel and dirty sheets.
I wouldn’t mind reusing the towels and not changing the sheets, IF they gave me a break on the second night room rate.
Me too. I’m paying $129 a night for a hotel, plus the special hotel tax etc. I’m using every towel and I expect fresh ones when I return to my room.