Sotomayor proves herself to be a true petulant mushbrain and legal (if no other way) lightweight who will vote with her ovaries instead of her self-called “wise” mind. (By the way, has ANYONE else ever spoken of her as “wise”? Just asking.)
She’s the very paradigm of an affirmative action appointment. And THIS, ladies and gentlemen is what we get when empower “diversity”...which, exactly like global warming, is the greatest unproven mendacious pile of liberal mush ever inflicted on a populace that was gullibly willing to give her a chance.
Diversity is affirmative action by another name.
Just like they changed “liberal “ to “progressive” because liberal became a dirty word, so too with affirmative action and diversity.
Soon they’ll need to come up with new euphemisms since the left has managed, as expected, to defile their latest monikers.