I said brat won fair and square and that cantor mishandled the entire campaign.
What is “liberal” about that?
If I lived in va-7, I would vote for brat in the general. But I still think it is stupid to cashier the next speaker in your own congressional district, but that is what elections are for.
Now what in god’s name is so horrific about that point of view? It is perfectly reasonable.
You called the state a bunch of idiots for ousting a liberal.
To your points- firstly the 7th is about the most 'unneedy' of fed spending district in the country! I can't think of ANY thing they want from the feds. Cantor's clout was of very little real value.
Secondly, running the House for the purpose of getting a majority in the Senate has been a disaster. Cantor's loss is a direct consequence of Boehner working to help R Senators avoid tough votes. One example: making Cantor (and others) vote for the debt hike was a strong blow to their reelection chances.
It hasn't worked- we're still in the minority! If we finally win it this year one can as well argue it will be in spite of the House Leadership's actions! I think if we had let the democratic House be democratic and represent the people and let the chips fall we'd have had better Senate and Presidential electoral results. I think the public debate would have changed to our benefit- if only from the synergy of conservatives' involvement.