Well is that not a keeper? Shaking hands with the devil.
You were more Democrat than Republican.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Adios you four-year, ferret-faced rat-fink.
Your Mom
Yep, speaking out of both sides of your mouth at the same time will do that for you. Conservatives have a smile on their faces today that no liberal can take away.
huge hopeful BTTT!!!!!!!
Ok, who’s taking on the tanned crybaby?
Cantor lost, fair and square.
Cantor is one of the US Chamber of Commerces star Amnesty Whores that has become a lame, (but still very dangerous), duck, and there are many, Many more Amnesty Whores to go.
It is time, - - - - time for a change.
Crushing the Tea Party in every race, just as McConnell promised.