That’s exactly all he has been doing since day one, is empowering Islam while destroying the US internally, and these brain dead morons calling themselves Republicans do absolutely nothing but hide under their desks while he does it. We have a blatant traitor as President and they just let him run amok which not only puts American lives at stake but pretty much the entire civilized world as well. They’re all pathetic as hell with the exception of Ted Cruz who seems to be the only sane one out of the whole bunch. Him and Palin were the only ones who were there when Obama was spitting in the faces of the WW2 vets over their memorial. Where was the rest of the party?
Mike Lee was there, too.
Dear GrandJedi,
Its easier to envision when one looks at
by Alexander Dugin. Its a great summary, very tell tale when you look at anti- atlanticist plans the G7 people, then for Iran and then Down at the bottom of the page, plans for America. Given it is a textbook in Russia its meaningful. You also see the current moves against the Ukraine. All of Obama’s actions are consistent with this new fascist approach.
This document’s perspective is also supportive of gog and magog.
Remember when Obama said he would be more flexible after the election.... now, I think you have a better idea what is up the pike.
Iran WILL be nuclear with Obama’s blessing.