The rant starts at the 46:00 mark, and last for 5 minutes.
Brown is obviously looking to move up the Black Caucus stupidity seniority list..Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson Lee take note...
It's pathetically funny, yet it's more than's scary..that...THIS....somehow gets elected to Congress, and re-elected, and re-elected.
In 2016, with a Republican president, and a GOP controlled Congress, it's past time to repeal the Voting Right Acts ( which is unconstitutional, in case anyone's paying attention) and end the majority-minority districts. Then, after the 2020 redistricting, we can get rid of most of the CBC clowns. Or we keep on ending up with the Corinne Browns, and Hank Johnsons.
It's not even worth while mentioning what she said, so I won't bother to correct it.
But we have to fix this....
So sad that someone like that has spent even 5 mins in Congress.
I can’t make the stupid film advance to 46 and I sure do not want to watch up to that point
I especially liked how Veterans Affairs represetative Joan Mooney shows her uncertainty in how to deal with raving lunatic Brown.
It’s real hard to listen to babbling idiots!
She continually get reelected because her district is gerrymandered to make blacks the majority voters. The district snakes through Jacksonville all the way down to Orlando. So she is like royalty, she never have to fear about losing her seat because her serfs will keep voting for her.
You know know the term low-information voters, right? Her serfs are no-information voters.
What the heck is that on her head!
The Stupid is very strong in this one..
Looks like she has squirrel’s mating in her hair...
I found it very hard to understand what she was trying to get across. A loudmouthed maroon.
...she is MORE than a whack job. It’s congressmen like her that are what’s wrong with the USA. Besides, she needs to do something about her wig. Big hair went out in the 80s.
Sorry I don’t even know what she is talking about
Corrine Brown makes Shelia Jackson Lee look like a Rhodes Scholar.
She desires to give Hank a run for the dumbest brigade.
They played a clip of that on KLBJ in Austin earlier. She must be smoking some strong weed. She is NUTS. A Nam vet called in and is talking about the poor treatment he is getting at the VA.
I see that Rep. Brown represents her district in more ways than one.
It was rather an amazing rant, though you’ll forgive me if I didn’t stick around for her entire allotment of time. Couldn’t get past that hair, of hair piece, or whatever. It looked like a live animal roosted on her head.
No one, ever, in the history of the republic is or has been stupider than Corrine Brown. How she keeps getting elected is purely a result of the tortured gerrymandered district she runs in. She is a disgrace to NE Florida.
She’s taking Cynthia McKinney’s spot.