One hundred percent USDA approved pure b/s. If the people he's complaining about want a better life they must first bite the bullet and get off the government plantation. They must first realize they, and they alone are responsible for and are in control of their own destiny. Education, marriage, family and work ethic. Oh, yeah. And belief in God and belief in self.
Now I’m confused. Are whites supposed to be blissfully living in utopian gun free zones, or gun toting militia rednecks?
Stories abound of people coming here, penniless and with no knowledge of English or our culture and five years later owning a business and in many cases becoming millionaires or more. Yet this individual wants to tell us that people who have had families here for three or four hundred years and presumably speak English and have some funds can’t make it here. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
I don’t much like bigots and I despise fascists.
This guy is both.