Gee, I guess we all should have just told that bozo with his “wheel” gimmick to stuff his self-pride in his hat.
(I won’t bother with the /sarc. It didn’t come out of the media or some politician, so you probably wouldn’t appreciate it. ...oh, yeah. I’m one of those guys used to work on stuff like the SST.)
Taking the Sonic Boom Out of Supersonic Flight
I’m am not a Luddite by any means and I resent the tone in which you disparage me for the very point you’re trying to make. You worked on an SST. Removing the sewage tanks from the plane? Working on an SST still doesn’t seem to make you at all literate.
Why don’t you read my post a couple of times and allow the comments to penetrate your skull. If that doesn’t work, you can always use Google Translate. First place my comments in in the text field and click English as the language you want to translate. Then in the second text field click on the language of your first preference which in your case is “Moron”.