The mainstream press and their talking heads are criminal co-conspirators. They are the “Fifth Column” in America, and are no longer the “Fourth Estate” that they purport to be. They are, in fact, collaborators with a Communist regime that won’t rest until it has created a Goebbels-esque propaganda monopoly.
This is how Weimar Germany fell. A majority of the people did nothing and watched as their former republic grew into a police state. People are watching for “signs” akin to Nazi Germany without realizing that a police state can grow from many different directions.
America is a soft tyranny right now, but people aren’t feeling the pain yet. When the pain becomes unbearable for the poor, it will trickle up to those with means, but the police won’t help those people. They’ll be protecting the interests of the government (the few) over the nation (the People). When that happens, anarchy ensues.