SPLC is an EVIL org.......just like ALL LEFTISTS orgs are.
Will members of society need to flee their country alone and with families to be able to speak and live according to Gods eternal and proven wisdom for mankind?
The strategists of the Marxist Left have coronated insanity, put it on a throne and given it free reign, while taking away the right to speak of the august few who guard what little sanity and reason is left in society.
How can universities and school administrators pretend to respect and teach scientific method and logic, while at the same time repeat the unscientific, unfactual mantras of the homosexual agenda? Just because one chooses homosexuality does not give the person the right to silence all who do not choose it. The unmitigated gall of these people proves that they need help from deep seeded psychiatric abnormalities.
People do not want to hear about what to be bombarded with news of what people do sexually. The homosexual strutting dead insist that we watch them as they protest too much how proud they are, though they never can say exactly what they are so proud of. They insist that we and our children watch them in action and applaud them.
God, we call upon you to protect the protectors of sanity and mental health. The Southern Poverty Law Center’s attack on the noble organization called J.O.N.A.H. is malicious, evil, despicable, a travesty of our system of law. It is financing falsehood to silence sound thinking and counseling.
All people of good conscience need to speak out and write and protest about this evil lawsuit by SDPC, which is hellbent on putting the final nail in the coffin of sanity.
Will members of society need to flee their country alone and with families to be able to speak and live according to Gods proven wisdom for mankind?
Oh, so now instead of concocted grievance groups going judge shopping, the legal groups are going plaintiff shopping. Am I reading this correctly?
How absolutely deplorable. The SPLC is a Marxist group if ever there was one.