The zealousness upon which brethren are so eager to point out the error of other brethren’s biblical understanding, has me wondering aloud whether or not if this same energy to denounce one another was implemented to point out the errors of abject evil agendas being pushed on our society, if this culture we allowed to rot could have been saved?
But alas, beating up brothers and sisters in the faith seems far safer to engage in combat than the real evil that is binding us all into chains that will one day prohibit us from following The Lord as He leads us without government intrusion, punishment or death.
While tribulation and persecution are indeed promised us if we follow Christ, the loss of our society and nation did not have to happen on our watch.
We were just too busy bashing those who claim Christ that do not walk as we walk to care if we lost an entire society to Genesis 19 styled wickedness.
It’s more important to bash the ‘false followers of Christ’ than to bash the Pied Pipers of hedonism and abomination that are now infecting even the churches in our land.
How sad. An ekklesia divided will not stand either.
However we have the political problems of our day largely due to the fact of the infiltration of pagan and false teachings within the churches as well as those without against the body of believers...
How naïve. Where did you ever see in scripture where Christ or the apostles taught to subject others or governments. Where is it taught that we are to fix society? Spreading the gospel is to individuals and nations but if they reject that gospel then we are to shake the dust off and move on. Exhorting and rebuking is for those who say they are believers but promoting doctrine that is in error. Discussing sound doctrine is from scripture. Subjecting people or nations is not.