Does NHS also ban Queen Elizabeth II from cataract surgery?
Now don’t you think she can afford her own doctors? Of course. And don’t you think many wealthy people could afford their own surgery if they needed it? Of course. Cost is not an issue for those who can afford it.
But for any nationalized care, be it NHS or Obamacare, cost IS a factor. And where the government’s money is concerned, shouldn’t cost be a factor? Of course. We would want the government to spend OUR money wisely. And starting from the absurd, e.g., spending a million bucks to extend a life by one day (which no reasonable person would do), then a lone has to be drawn somewhere. And for a governmental system the person making the decision is going to be a bean counting pencil pusher. I think the same is true in private insurance. Someone will eventually be deciding if care is appropriate based on a cost-benefit analysis. No system involving pooled funds can survive long by doing everything for everyone.