Published on Jun 12, 2013
1: LINKS: Team Arpaio: Obama Used Four Different Names; Republic Has Been Overthrown - 6/11/2013 - -
Obama indonesian name SOEBARKAH
Is Arpio even looking anymore? His Cold Case Posse has been pretty quiet the past few months, right after they said they were ready to spill the beans.
Bapak was a key player in the 1965 CIA-engineered coup against President Sukarno in Indonesia. Subud has also been accused of being yet another CIA mind-control religious operation. The Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) and Sukarno’s Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandrio, as well as Ceylon’s assassinated Prime Minister, Solomon Bandaranaike, accused Subud of being a CIA front. The sect continues to maintain a religious compound in Front Royal, Virginia, about an hour’s drive from CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
WMR has obtained a declassified CIA memorandum prepared by the CIA’s Asia Division of the Office of East Asia Analysis, dated February 15, 1985 and titled “Indoensia’s Suharto: Losing the Magic?” that states that none other than Indonesia’s CIA-installed dictator, General Suharto, was an adherent of the Javanese mystical cult, also known as “Javanism.” Ann Soetoro’s work for the World Bank, Ford Foundation, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Development Alterbative, Inc. — a suspected CIA front — and Indonesian banks, helped to prop up the Suharto dictatorship. Ms. Soetoro spoke fluent Indonesian, as well as Javanese.
The CIA memo states that Java’s traditional mysticism was rife, not only among peasants, but “also educated businessmen, academics, military officers, and high level government officials — including cabinet members.” In addition, the memo states that “mysticism also plays an integral role in the perceptions and decision making among Indonesia’s predominantly nominal Muslims.” The CIA relied on Subud cultists, as well as Muslims, to gain popular support for its coup against Sukarno, a leftist nationalist, and the officially atheistic PKI.
Just when you think this thing can’t get anymore does.
Now we have political opponents who do egghead type documentaries about Obama, Dinesh D'Souza, being harassed and maybe even jailed.
Welcome to fascist Amerika!
Somebody ought to able to swipe a napkin or garbage from Obummer when he eats out, or vacations, to get a DNA sample...
Ping bho
No work of fiction is screwier than the Obama soap opera. Subud? Subud? What the h....? Just when we thought we’d glanced at Obama’s ragged and dangerous friends and passersby and rich allies and foreign relations and the kinky edges of Obama’s world past and present, yet another set of unlikely characters straight out of a Fellini or Cohen Brothers makes an appearance. ENOUGH!!
Did anyone see this link?
It has probably already been posted somewhere here but I recently watched a video of Diana West, who was promoting her book American Betrayal about communism’s history in the US, as an aside said that she had been told by the editors of the papers that had her column that she was not to discuss Obama’s eligibility at all. The now defunct Washington Examiner editor told her literally he would not publish any discussion of eligibility because there would be “blood in the streets”. I often hold to convential wisdom that secrets cannot be kept on a large scale, but I’ve learned that this world is a stranger place than people would want to admit. I now believe that the media, the newspapers, the political class of the nation know that Obama is from Kenya, but are complicit for a host of reasons from personal benefit and agenda to maintaining their membership in the political class lest they be Borked or Palined or IRSd or lose their spot on the gravy train. The interview where she says this is on youtube just search Diana West Obama ineligibility.
The son of molech ? or moloch however you want to spell it.