And Kissena Blvd. in Queens isn’t far behind. There are almost solid blocks of Mooselime businesses, from which drivers indiscriminately bolt into traffic without looking (BTW, their women are HORRIBLE drivers. I don’t know how they can see with the veils). You see these ominous looking men with black beards walking around near shopping centers and banks, you really don’t want to get close to them (besides their stink). Halal food carts are popping up everywhere. I regret that regular Americans patronize them and thus enrich their owners. They are like a black cloud expanding over the neighborhood. Other parts of Queens, you have the low-class coolie type of Chinese (not the educated ones) crowding out former neighborhood denizens by living cheek-to-jowl in illegally converted apartments, crowding the sidewalks with illegal vendors, living in their own bubble of Chinese-only (they never learn much English), coming around to my area to steal bottles out of your recycling can (let them try that with MINE...), filling the air with clouds of non-filtered cigarette smoke. Diversity stinks sometimes.
Then we have Minneapolis where the Somalis are championed by a “black Muslim” (not a real religion, just a ruse for honkey-hating n****rs) and even St. Cloud (formerly known a White Cloud) has a Little Mogadishu halal convenience store.
It’s caused some mild trouble with friends but I refuse to eat at a halal place.
The “stink of diversity” you describe is happening across the country, as Americans stop breeding and the government imports more foreigners to keep schools and housing occupied.