What flavor of immigrants? Legal ones? I think a LOT of cherry picking is going on here.
The stat is for all foreign born persons legal or illegal that is what is meant by immigrant in regards to the incarceration rate the study is here http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/sites/default/files/docs/Imm%20Criminality%20(IPC).pdf I would recommend Jason Riley’s “Let Them in: the Case for Open Borders.” The strongest case is the economic one and its one that the Wall Street Journal (who Riley is a member of) have been promoting for a long time, However many are against immigration because they think they will change the cultural dynamic of America. The most famous person to make this argument was Samuel Huntington the Harvard political scientist in his book Who Are We. However, there is a large amount of literature that refutes that the most notable being Testing Huntington: Is Hispanic Immigration a Threat to American Identity? http://www.apsanet.org/imgtest/perspectivesmar07citrin_etal.pdf A lot of people have the idea that they do not assimilate or that they are a drain on welfare or the economy and this article citing studies from several different organizations like PEW, CBO, Fiscal Policy Center, Immigration Policy Center, Gallup, Bureau of Justice Statistics, American Action Forum, Bipartisan Policy Center, CDC, U.S. Census Bureau, Center of Budget and Policy Priorities, Partnership for a New American Economy as well as other studies, most of them are hyperlinked in the article so you can look them up.
“What flavor of immigrants? Legal ones? I think a LOT of cherry picking is going on here. “
You bet-—they worded it to make their point.
“Natives” would include American born blacks which are a large majority of the prison population.
Some people just make up their own “facts”