As "phony" and concealed as the President's background appears to be, I wonder where the whole white Dunham family is now. Are they all defunct? "Stanley" had NO younger relatives, or older ones still alive? It's also mysterious that the black Obama family is also still mostly in Kenya...Barry being the only one to ever emigrate anywhere with any apparent success. Why do THEY not ever say anything about Barack Sr., Barry, Stanley, or the Dunhams?!
What will transpire from all this remains to be seen, but talk about controversial, and "unbecoming to the Office"...!!
This is why we must remain a Republic, and not a Democracy, IMHO.
There is quite a tribe of them who immigrated here and several with expensive college degrees and nice careers. Aunt Z and Uncle Stinky have been here forever and recently got their free pass from him. Those two seem to be the only low lifes of the tribe living in the US. Roy is/was (he comes and goes) gainfully employed as a white collar in D.C.. Mark passed through during his college days and after and is now in Japan doing exceedingly well. Jael is in Atlanta along with others of the tribe with one who is in local government or something. Auma lived for decades in Germany and England doing well for herself and has only recently returned to Africa.
Of course, they're mum on his beginnings. They aren't dumb. They can't afford to make another flub like Sarah's "passing through my hands."