I have always wondered about this - yet the Church and Society thusfar specifically states otherwise - anyone have any scriptures that they say contradicts St. Thomas Aquinas’s post or alludes to their being a change from one dispensation to another?
As we all know, many of the great patriarchs and leading figures of the Old Testament had more than one wife, and even the New Testament merely recommends that deacons, for instance, be the husband of only one wife (clearly implying that having more than one wife was at least tolerable, if not necessarily desirable.) And "that was then, this is now" doesn't suffice as an argument against the practice.
The same principle holds true for tolerating things like drugs and alcohol, as opposed to the Tyrannical thinking of Prohibitionists zealouts.
The fact that a Freedom might be abused is no excuse for criminalizing it. I, for one, can certainly be against pedophilia and gay marriage (let the gays call it schmarriage if they want) without having any cognitive dissonance regarding unconventional relationships, such as a husband having more than one wife.
Those who show such hysterical fear and opposition to polygamy apparently harbor an authoritarian impulse which far exceeds Christian notions of tolerance and free will, ultimately substituting narrow-minded individual and cultural prejudices in place of the Word of God. And that is flat out wrong.
"All things are lawful, but all things are not profitable." I Cor. 10:23. Those who wish to dictate personal choices for others should get off their dogmatic high horses and stop trying to act like they're wiser than God.