Thanks for the summary. Like most people reading that somebody had voted for Kennedy in 1960 and Johnson in 1964, I figured that you were 21 when you voted for Kennedy. That would of course be the logical conclusion to draw from your writings, since I assumed they were accurate. Now that I have seen that your writings may or may not be accurate, and will shift over time, I now know to not rely on their accuracy, or truthfulness.
My writings do not “shift over time” as can be established simply by reviewing what I have WRITTEN since I was a teenager. You are obsessed with the fact that I made a mistake about a DATE when I first voted.
I certainly understand why you want to focus upon an irrelevant secondary matter, i.e. because it detracts from your much more serious and embarrassing reliance upon a bigoted website for your assertions and conclusions about me — but nobody reading our exchange is fooled by your debate tactics.
Your essential point is that you have never made a mistake in your memory about an event which occurred 50+ years ago, but if you did make such a mistake, you should be considered a totally dishonest and unreliable person for the rest of your life and nothing you say or write thereafter should ever be given any credence or consideration. Obviously, this says much more about YOU than it does about me — because it reveals how you focus upon secondary matters instead of focusing upon critical issues.
If somebody libels you and your family, would you care if they got a date wrong in their written narrative, or would you instruct your lawyer to concentrate all the attention of the jury on the substantive libel? We now know, you would instruct your legal team to focus upon the irrelevant date instead of the despicable libel. Shame on you.