Women that would vote for any democrat that claims Republicans have some kind of a war on them are stupid, ignorant, and virtually beyond hope.
I feel like this is the TOP ISSUE which Republican candidates must confront, and that will require OPENLY DISCUSSING THE MANIPULATION OF FEMALES BY DEMOCRATS. Cuccinelli needs to proclaim "You females are smarter than subjecting yourself to being USED by the PROVEN LIAR Democrats!.. DON'T FALL FOR IT. YOU FELL FOR OBAMACARE, HOOK LINE AND SINKER. YOU WERE LIED TO, LADIES, AND THEY'RE LYING TO YOU AGAIN!! THEY AREN'T WHO OR WHAT THEY SAY THEY ARE."
I'm F'ing SICK AND TIRED of watching females huddle together with Marxists, totally clueless that they've put their children's futures in jeopardy in exchange for a totally bogus emotional catharsis of the moment. I cannot stand this anymore. I'm SICK of it.