The Confederate Flag equates to the KKK? You buy into this crap?
First, we're to assume whoever showed up with a potentially offensive flag/sign/banner whatever is a real member of our side. Absolutely no proof of this.
Second, we're to assume that this person or persons is somehow representative of everyone in the group/movement. This in spite of a complete lack of evidence of such. In fact all evidence points to the exact opposite.
Third, we're supposed to assume there is some "leadership" of this grass-roots movement that is somehow not only supportive of this, but responsible for this.
Fourth, we're now supposed to connect the dots as the 'rats want and blame said leadership. This is supposed to somehow taint the entire movement.
Fifth, we're supposed to assume that the only connotation of a Confederate flag is negative. Outside of a few indoctrinated liberals and professional victim class racists this is not the case.
"You buy into this crap?"
I'm just stating what the paranoid, Marxist left will be bleeting away today. They love to roll everything together (Hitler, Joseph McCarthy, Confederate flag, etc.) in their usual propaganda attacks.