Why don’t they have him do a commercial?
“It ain’t easy being an oppressed minority all by my self, with less and less oppression all the time. How can I make a living when we have a black president, a black attorney general, black corporate executives with a key to the same executive washroom as his honkey—I mean white—counterparts. Occasionally, a white boy will shoot a brother and I can jump up and down and holler about that, but after I’ve ruined the cracker’s life and put him all over the news, I have to wait for the next shooting to do my thing. So what do I do in the mean time? I eat Ritz Crackers. I can take out my frustration and rage on a genuine, authentic cracker, chewing it up and swallowing it whole with my choice of any kind of of topping. For once, the crackers can be put under anything, and there’s nothing they can do about it. It’s time I had another one. Take that you European slave owner, you. Crunch. Munch. Chew. Gulp. Deeelicious. Now to wash it down with a glass of chocolate milk.”