He can’t hide from the producers. National strike. One man cannot rule freedom lovers.
Everyone claims to love freedom. How many have gone on strike for it? They love their conveniences, their security, their creature comforts more.
There are people so lacking in motivation to stand on their own, they spend their entire lives in prison. They're released now and then and they haven't a clue how to make their own living, nor any desire to learn how. They find a way to go back in, where they'll get three squares and a cot, and where they'll know predictability and regularity.
Put that sort of people on a spectrum and then move your gaze a little to the right. If you look closely, there among millions will be someone you think you know.
The political class cannot not survive without the sweat of our brow. We can bring this country to its knees when we want to with a national strike. Is this when the marxist dictator starts using the all of the ammo they are hoarding?
He is like the wicked witch and her flying monkeys in the Wizard of OZ. He has his flying monkeys ready to back him up I am thinking.
Too many want to take America down, B. Hussein O. is happy to oblige.
Terrorists have his back. Muslim Brotherhood is in the White House - there are 6 known ones.