I would be more than delighted to walk anywhere at anytime day or night with the likes of several of the black or Mexican guys I went to high school with. They were decent people. I'd also throw in Thomas Sowell, Will Smith, Sinbad and some guys I knew in college.
They act like normal people, not criminals. They don't dress like thugs, don't present like thugs, don't talk like thugs.
Why this is the elephant in the room no one dares talk about is beyond me. Enough black men - and you can blame your liberal Hollywood networks for exploiting this - act like lawless men that don't give a damn, hence, the stereotype.
It is completely unrealistic to expect anyone to feel otherwise, whether they are black, white, brown, whatever.
Like it or not, behavior and appearances count.
Leftists love to equivocate about whether "black" is a race or a culture, so that they can brand as racist anyone who says anything bad about the culture. The fact that the culture rejects anyone without dark skin does not make those who oppose the culture racist. Tolerance and peaceful coexistence require reciprocity. Those who would push for a notion of tolerance that does not require reciprocity in fact promote intolerance.