Who are "all these Preppers" you refer to?
Most of the Freepers who are regulars on prepping posts here seem to be oriented to preps that are universal in application and need. And there are a lot of articles and posts about preparing for unknown emergencies on a tight budget.
No matter what type of disaster befalls us, we all need food, water, shelter, sanitation, medical care, security, survival skills, physical fitness, etc. And those are the general topics I see discussed here for the most part.
By survival skills I mean the skills to hunt, fish, garden, obtain and purify water, use tools and weapons, repair or build a shelter, protect your family from predators, starvation, thirst, disease.
Most of the preppers posting here seem to be of moderate means so a lot of info is shared on how to do more with less. Where to find bargains, how to grow and can garden produce, make soap, build a cache, purify water with a penny's worth of bleach, etc.
Of course there is the occasional link to an article about old missile silos in Wyoming or someone discovering a cold war fallout shelter in their back yard but I don't recall many Freepers posting that they have just bought a missile silo or their own mountaintop redoubt in Idaho.
I would say most of the preppers posting here seem knowledgable and level headed and the information sharing is generally helpful and interesting. Not everyone is interested in or capable of makng their own soap from scratch or rucking 26 miles in a full pack but the posts are interesting and thought provoking and there is usually some part of the information that is good to know and file away for reference.
I was commenting on the myriad sites and ads very prevalent nowadays that only seem to be growing in quantity and alarmist attitudes and not sites and information which is good to have and useful.
Perhaps I was being too general with my sweeping comments so to all those Freepers who might have been offended I apologize.
It just seems to me a situation spiraling downward and so many commercial folks are feeding off it, that's all.