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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Washington, D.C.: Protest hits FEMA, ICE
By LeiLani Dowell

Published Oct 4, 2007 2:28 AM
Two months of anti-war activity culminated at the end of September in dynamic encampments to stop war at home and abroad and militant, anti-imperialist and anti-racist demonstrations in both Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.

Speakers and performers at the rally all drew clear links between the war in Iraq and the war at home, including a

labor delegation with Brenda Stokely of the Million Worker March Movement,
•We Seek Universal single-care health care from cradle to grave that ends the stranglehold of greedy insurance companies and secures health care as a right of all people in America.

•A national living wage that lifts people permanently out of poverty.

•Protection and enhancement of Social Security immune to privatization.

•Guaranteed pensions that sustain a decent life for all working people.

•The cancellation of all corporate “free” trade agreements, including NAFTA, MAI and FTAA.

•An end to privatization, contracting out, deregulation and the pitting of workers against each other across national boundaries in a mad race to the bottom.

•For workers’ right to organize and for a repeal of Taft Hartley and all anti-labor legislation.

•Funding public education in a crash program to restore our decaying and abandoned schools with state of the art school facilities in every community.

•Funding a vast army of teachers to end functional illiteracy in America and unleash the talent and potential of our abandoned children and adults.

•Launching a national training program in skills and capacities that will enlist our people in rebuilding our country and putting an end to both the criminalization of poverty and the prison-industrial complex.

•Rebuilding our decaying inner cities with clean, modern and affordable housing and eliminating homelessness in America with guaranteed housing and jobs for all.

•Progressive taxation that increases taxation on corporations and the rich while providing relief for the working class and poor.

•An end to the poisoning of the atmosphere, soil, water and food supply with a national emergency program to restore the environment, end global warming and preserve our endangered eco-system.

•Creating efficient, modern and free mass transit in every city and town.

•Repeal of the Patriot Act, Anti-Terrorism Act and all such repressive legislation.

•Slash the military budget and recover the trillions of dollars stolen from our labor to enrich the corporations that profit from war.

•Open the books on the secret budgets of the Pentagon and the intelligence agencies in the service of corporations and banks and the pursuit of imperial war on the poor everywhere.

•Extend democracy to our economic structure so that all decisions affecting the lives of our citizens are made by working people who produce all value through their labor.

•An aggressive enforcement of all civil rights and a national education campaign and mobilization against all racist and discriminatory acts in the work place and in our communities.

•Amnesty for all undocumented workers

•Increase in federal funding for the Arts in public schools

•For a democratic media that allow labor and all voices to be heard and oppose monopolization and union busting of media workers.

Charles Jenkins and Larry Adams of the New York City Labor Against the War, and members of District Council 37;
Labor activists in NYC and elsewhere who oppose war response to events of Sept. 11, 2001.

Defining NYCLAW Principles (December 5, 2005)

1. Uncompromising opposition to bipartisan U.S. wars of empire – not only in Iraq – but in Afghanistan, Palestine & everywhere else; i.e.: Out Now! Based on right of national self-determination, not necessarily on political agreement with all who resist. Thus, Palestinian self-determination – i.e., right of return – is central.

2. War abroad cannot be separated from the war at home on workers, people of color, immigrants, Arab/Muslims, civil liberties – Katrina.

3. Independence from Democratic Party.

4. Working class has unique resistance is the key to an effective antiwar movement.

• Basra oil workers

• G.I.s

• Rank and file U.S. trade unionists

• Unorganized workers

5. Reject sectarianism, turf, Peaceocracy, self-promotion, worship of politicians or celebrities. Support honest, principled, democratic, united, bottom-up antiwar action.

NYCLAW Co-Conveners

Larry Adams Former President, NPMHU Local 300

Michael Letwin Former President, UAW Local 2325/Assn. of Legal Aid Attorneys

Brenda Stokely Former President, AFSCME DC 1707; N.E. Regional Coordinator, Million Worker March Movement

political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, via a recorded greeting from death row;

Malik Rahim, Common Ground Collective;

Medea Benjamin, Code Pink;

Bernadette Ellorin and Christine Hilo, BAYAN USA;

Founded on the determination and strength of the majority of oppressed classes, BAYAN is an alliance composed mainly of organizations of workers and peasants. Various sectors also account for many of our allied organization mass membership.

BAYAN counts on its members’ individual personages who serve in its leading bodies. The local chapter in the municipal, provincial or regional level is the basic unit of BAYAN.

The highest policy-making body is the National Congress. In between congresses, the National Council meets twice a year or whenever necessary. The National Executive Committee, through its various departments and the Popular Struggles Commission, ensures the implementation of BAYAN’s General Program of Action and other policies and directives laid down by the Congress and National Council. The National Secretariat, headed by the Secretary-General takes care of BAYAN’s day to day operation.

Larry Hamm, People’s Organization for Progress;

People’s Organization for Progress
The People’s Organization for Progress (POP) works to empower the grassroots community and fights for its needs. P.O.P. speaks out about issues such as poverty, racism, unemployment, education, housing, drugs, crime and community deterioration as well as important local, national and international issues.

P.O.P. supports self-help and other efforts to improve conditions in our community. However our ultimate goal is the complete elimination of all forms of racial, social and economic inequality and injustice. If you want to have a stronger voice in the affairs of our community then you should join the People’s Organization for Progress.

The People’s Organization for Progress has a statewide campaign to mobilize and demonstrate against police brutality and racial violence.

POP meets each Thursday, 6:30 PM, Abyssinian Baptist Church, 224 West Kinney Street, Newark, NJ. You’re invited to join us.

and David Swanson, After Downing Street.

After Downing Street is a nonpartisan coalition of over 200 veterans groups, peace groups, and political activist groups that has worked since May 2005 to pressure both Congress and the media in order to hold Bush, Cheney, and their aides accountable for crimes and abuses of power. The coalition takes its name from the emergence in May and June of 2005 of several documents that quickly came to be known as the Downing Street Memos.

Also speaking were

Ardeshir Ommani of the Stop the War On Iran Campaign and American Iranian Friendship Committee;
Stop the war on Iran before it starts!
March 2005
In Farsi En Español
Sign the statement View signers
It is with grave concern that we observe the growing threat of a new U.S. war—this time against the people of Iran.
The media is filled with reports of an alleged nuclear threat posed by Iran and the assumed need for the U.S. to take military action. These reports recall the “Weapons of Mass Destruction” stories issued in the months leading up to the war on Iraq.
In the lead up to the illegal invasion of Iraq, the Bush Administration asserted that Iraq possessed massive stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction and that it was capable of launching an attack - nuclear, chemical and biological - on the U.S. within 45 minutes.
President Bush said that the U.S. had to attack immediately, and could not “wait for the final proof — the smoking gun — that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.” We all know now that this propaganda campaign was a complete fabrication created to justify a war of aggression.

American Iranian Friendship Committee
Everything about us The American-Iranian Friendship Committee (AIFC) was formed in 2004 for the purpose of promoting trust, mutual understanding and peace between Americans, on one hand, and Iranians living in Iran and abroad, on the other. Prompted by concern for the consequences of an on-going anti-Iranian U.S. foreign policy, the AIFC takes steps towards creating an atmosphere that can strengthen healthy dialogue and make friendship possible between the people of the two nations. We invite all democratic-minded individuals to join the committee and help in our efforts at building a movement for promoting peace, ending the unjust sanctions, and preventing a U.S.-NATO war on Iran.

Ignacio Meneses, National Network on Cuba;
Thanks for your interest in the National Network on Cuba. The U.S.-based NNOC is the umbrella organization for several dozen separate organizations that advocate for the end of Washington’s hostility towards Cuba, including activist solidarity groups in various major cities. The NNOC itself doesn’t have a paid staff or office, but runs this website and a mailing list, and holds two meetings a year to draw everyone together.
Membership is essentially for organizations and their members, but associate membership for individuals is available. Use our response form to get further information.
We encourage you to get involved in the effort to reverse U.S. policy towards Cuba, including defending your own right to travel there. Your questions and comments are welcome.
In this section you’ll find three things: our Principles and Goals, a geographical list of member groups, and further information about this site in the right collum.
Thank you again for your interest. We look forward to working together with you.
Louis Head,
Sobukwe Shakura,
Bambose Shango
Nalda Vigezzi,
NNOC Co-chairs

Walter Sinche, May 1st Immigrant Rights Coalition;

Press Conference:
Thursday, March 18th
757 3rd Ave between 47th and 48th St.
In front of the offices of Senator Charles Schumer
In Response to Current Calls for Immigration Reform:

Rosita Romero, Dominican Women’s Development Center;

About Us
The Dominican Women’s Development Center (DWDC/El Centro) was founded in 1988. It was created by a group of young, Dominican women who identified the need to create a membership, service organization that would help organize low-income women and that would provide them with culturally competent social services. The central mission of El Centro is to contribute to the empowerment of Dominican/Latina, other women and our families who reside in Washington Heights/Inwood and other New York City communities. Our mission is to aid in the growth and development of our self-esteem, by affirming our identity and solidarity through multicultural and holistic social services, and educational, economic and cultural development programs. The Center is committed to the organizing of women to actively participate in the elimination of gender inequality and the promotion of social justice.

Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Hip Hop Caucus;
The Hip Hop Caucus Education Fund’s mission is to foster civic engagement among young people of color on issues of social and economic justice, human rights, the environment, and international peace, so they can attain increased opportunities for themselves and their communities. We focus on meeting young people where they are, by linking cultural expression with social and political experience.

Adam Kokesh, Iraq Veterans Against the War;

Ann Wright, retired U.S. Army veteran and 16-year diplomat who resigned in opposition to the Iraq war;

Victor Toro, Chilean leader of MIR being threatened with deportation;
Chile’s MIR: The Revolutionary Left Movement
Urban Guerrillas Declare War on the Pinochet Dictatorship

Debra Sweet of World Can’t Wait;

Mission Statement of World Can’t Wait
Monday, 18 May 2009 01:03
The World Can’t Wait organizes people living in the United States to repudiate and stop the fascist direction initiated by the Bush Regime, including: the murderous, unjust and illegitimate occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan; the global “war of terror” of torture, rendition and spying; and the culture of bigotry, intolerance and greed. This direction cannot and will not be reversed by leaders who tell us to seek common ground with fascists, religious fanatics, and empire. It can only be possible by the people building a community of resistance - an independent mass movement of people - acting in the interests of humanity to stop, and demand prosecution, of these crimes.

and Teresita Jacinto Oliva of Mexicanos Sin Fronteras.
Mexicans without borders (translation)
Our Mission:
Our mission is to improve the quality of life for low-income communities, promoting and protecting human rights, civil and political rights of workers, immigrants and their families. We stand for equality, social justice and economic, and environmental protection.
Our Principles:
Liberty, Equality, Diversity, Community, Voluntary Work and Sacrifice, Obeying, Solidarity, Autonomy, Democracy, Justice and Peace.
We are a network of migrant communities autonomous area located in the states of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and the United States capital, Washington DC
The SPS is an individual membership.
SPS members are mostly families and migrant workers from Central and South America and Mexico, and our mission is to promote and defend human rights, labor and civil liberties of all migrants, to promote the welfare of our families and the contribution our communities, integration into the community and preserve our cultural identity.

. Our work is developed through volunteer work on projects such as the autonomous organization of communities and working committees, activities and information campaigns, assistance, education, English classes, food distribution, medical care, and cultural activities.
Our struggle is focused against the causes of migration, social justice and economic exclusion and exploitation, against racism and intolerance, protection of nature and the union of the worker @ s
We fight for the constitutional recognition of rights and culture of immigrants through a comprehensive legal reform to legalize the status of all undocumented workers in terms of justice and dignity.
L We strive for that in Mexico the law is reformed national population under a constitutional reform in Congress, guaranteeing respect for all rights and physical and moral integrity of foreign migrants.
We fight against exclusion and for the constitutional recognition of all rights for all Mexicans living abroad
Our commitment is to promote a genuine democratic transition and social and economic justice in Mexico, and defend the sovereignty and resources of our country.
We sympathize with movimientosde civil society, peace, justice, and freedom in Mexico and worldwide.
We are members of local coalitions, regional and national with whom we join in defending our rights, to progress and we have formalized a partnership with others.
Nuestra agenda: Our agenda:
Derechos de los migrantes y Reforma Migratoria Justa, humana y digna. Rights of migrants and Fair Immigration Reform, humane and dignified manner.
Southern border: the legal protection and respect for the rights and physical and moral integrity of foreign migrants in Mexico.
Transición a la democracia en México: Todos los derechos para todos Transition to democracy in Mexico: All rights for all
No neocolonialismo.No globalization and war.
5> For a culture of liberation.

Continuing the short, punchy talks were

Jared Ball, and Sara “Echo” Steiner, Green Party members;

Charlotte Kates of Al-Awda New York, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition;

Pam Africa, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal;

political prisoner Leonard Peltier, via a statement; Sonia Umanzon of the FMLN (Faribundo Martí National Liberation Front);

Katrina survivors Ivey Parker and Christine Gavin-Lathan;

Mohammad Awdallah, U.S. Popular Palestine Conference Network;

Ricardo Prado of the Colombian political party Democratic Pole;

Tyneisha Bowens of FIST—Fight Imperialism, Stand Together;

Larry Holmes, Teresa Gutierrez and Sara Flounders for TONC and the International Action Center;

Omowale Clay, December 12 Movement and Friends of Zimbabwe;

and Milton St. Germaine, New England Human Rights Organization for Haiti.

34 posted on 05/04/2013 4:36:23 PM PDT by RaceBannon (Telling the truth about RINOS, PAULTARDS, Liberals and Muslims has become hate speech)
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To: RaceBannon
Man, can this place sniff 'em out or WHAT ?

Sir, you deserve a beer .. have one on us !

37 posted on 05/04/2013 4:39:54 PM PDT by tomkat
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To: RaceBannon
I'd say it is a sure bet that this abstard works for the regime. You need read no more than the following to know he is a post trutle':

"Thus, Palestinian self-determination – i.e., right of return – is central."

I wouldn't put it past the regime to have a sniper or three waiting to 'ping' this agent provacateur fool, to try and set off the means to martial law under little barry bastard boy's regime.

50 posted on 05/04/2013 5:02:32 PM PDT by MHGinTN (Being deceived can be cured.)
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To: RaceBannon

Thanks for the well researched post on what appears to be a well connected left wing activist at work. Whatever he is trying to do with his crazy rifle carrying protest, it isn’t remotely related to supporting and encouraging conservative, patriotic causes.

69 posted on 05/04/2013 7:00:29 PM PDT by freeandfreezing
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