That was my point the other night and the fanboys had a conniption fit of excuses to poo poo it.
Truthfully, whether its Beck or anyone else, there can be strategic reasons for the timed release of even the most important information, and that was an explcit element of the Breitbart model, so I do not, truly do not understand why it is even being raised as a way to preemptively discredit Beck. I get the drama queen and Al Capone’s Vault objections, though I think those might be overcome later today or early tomorrow. But I don’t get the timing objection.
Still, you’ve given me an additional reason to have a lousy, distracted day at work. Thanks for that. :)
[That was my point the other night...]
I was one of the poo pooers but I’m going to keep listening until I will admit you were right.
SO were right.