His parentage disqualifies his holding the office of POTUS!
Throw the bum OUT NOW!
Wanted... One, just one Republican in the House with the b**** to start impeachment procedures. Even if it goes nowhere, forcing a debate would be historic...
The certificate is irrelevant! His parentage disqualifies his holding the office of POTUS!
In my opinion, a careful, fair-minded student of history and semantics could not avoid the conclusion that a person of Obama's self-proclaimed parentage does indeed fall outside the founders' intended definition of "natural born citizen" in Article II. Nevertheless, to my dismay, the overwhelming majority of those who have any legal authority appear to be quite convinced that "two citizen parents" is not a requirement. That of course doesn't make them right, but it does urge me to attend to other potential fronts on which this battle can be advanced.
My point is that I think we are behooved NOT to regard the certificate as irrelevant! Given that there are numerous clear indicators that the document does not accurately represent an authentic original, there is sitting before us plentiful evidence that the White House website is being used to convey a fraudulent, forged document purporting to remove all doubt of Obama's identity and eligibility. While I support ongoing efforts to see Article II recognized as what it was intended to mean, I will certainly not therefore, turn a blind eye to the direct evidence of punishable, criminal forgery.
In fact, the reality that the Birth Certificate is forged, leaves us to even wonder whether the official line on Obama's parents is accurate at all. It could be that he was indeed born to two citizen parents on U.S. soil after all, but that would still implicate him as a natural born criminal forger.
I refuse to dismiss our de facto Commander in Chief from the penalty due him for his scheme to hide behind a forged birth certificate. Why should we not seek to hold the Obama administration accountable for this unprecedented defrauding of We the People? Bringing the forgers to justice stands as a fully worthy pursuit independent of the matter of Obama's claimed parentage.