Molon Labe moron!
One would ask, does Bill Maher also despise the Swiss nation and the Swiss people? Because the Swiss are GREAT believers in the right, no, the DUTY of its citizens to keep and bear arms. And that small country is also one of the freest nations on earth, beholden to no other nation by alliances or “mutual defense” treaties.
An armed person is a free person, a truth that the founders of this nation recognized very quickly. When a majority or all citizens have arms readily available, it is difficult to enforce draconian “reforms” upon them by decree from the governing authority.
Swiss citizenship is conferred only upon those who are willing to fully and without reservation swear allegiance to the Swiss nation and uphold its duly constituted laws. Which means, you may be able to live in Switzerland for years as a resident alien, but have no right to vote, or to openly keep and bear arms, or to raise objections to the existing order of things. There is a special dispensation for the bearing of arms, extended to those non-citizens who have properly taken the training necessary for the care and maintenance of said arms, and for which there is compelling reason to possess arms.
Even during the Second World War, surrounded on all sides by other nations that believed in some form of totalitarian government, the Swiss were adamant in their refusal to in any way ally themselves with any other hegemony, maintaining a strict and uncompromising neutrality. When Hitler demanded the right to pass through Switzerland to send troops to Italy to defend Mussolini, the Swiss informed him they would dynamite all the road tunnels through the mountains, cause avalanches of rock to cascade down upon open roadways, and station their citizen-soldiers at the crest of the hills and behind fortified barricades to resist the movement of any Nazi troops within their country.
Hitler complied. Even he recognized a losing proposition.
The coke addled midget expresses the left’s unconscious id -iot impulses. Canary in the coal mine so to speak.
They’re coming for our guns, then round us up and Pol Pot us.