* * Yes, but when you turn in your neighbor, or better yet, a family member, you will get a frameble, multi-colored certificate from the local GESTHIMASTATSPOLIZI office, in addition to your 500 marks.
(I can pronounce it in German, but cant spell it.)
Question: Is the reward doubled if you turn in a parent? * *
Yes, I think you do get a double fee if you rat out your parent.
1.5 multiplier for a brother or sister and 1.25 for a first cousin.
You get the bonus of choosing which family member gets shot in the head when it come to that point.
I bet the public schools are already teaching that there never were any such thing as Nazis. It’s just a fiction made up by evil patriot Americans.
Well, no, there WERE Nazis, but they were the Republicans of their era. I was talking to some guy the other day and he was talking, half jokingly, about how all conservatives are Nazis, trying to get my goat. I asked him, "So it's your position that if the Nazional Socialistische Arbeitpartei (National Socislist Workers' Party) were around today, they'd be Republicans?" He didn't say anything.