One is not "OK" with drugs because one recognizes that the only demonstrable effects of the War on Drugs are to hyperinflate drug profits, channel those profits into criminal and terrorist hands, and violate individual liberties.
You should pay more attention to the post, rather than just the word “drugs”.
“”No, just look at how people vote.
People who are indifferent to or opposed to social conservatism, are democrat voters.
If a guy is OK with gay marriage, drugs, abortion, etc. then chances are overwhelming that he is a good liberal.
Get a guy that libertarians mock, a social conservative, regardless of his income, and he will almost always be a right winger, a real conservative.
Take any group of children and raise them as poor social conservatives, you get conservative voters, raise them with any income, low or high, accepting of drugs, hookers, gay marriage and abortion etc, and you will have bred a bunch of liberals.””