Yes, the media have essentially become a corrupt fourth branch of the government. Like it or not, they ARE a government-allied force enforcing cultural standards. Unfortunately, they are anti-Christian standards, and anti-American standards.
If we are to have a constitutional society that functions, the church in this country will have to experience a revival. Remember, there have been periods throughout Western history where adherence to morality has declined, and then been rejuvenated.
We are heading for a collapse in this country, widespread misery and economic as well as societal instability. America will enter a ‘dark period’. I am optimistic that this will turn Americans back to the light of our history and our heritage. Perhaps this people, who have turned to worshiping vapid pop-culture icons, government handout peddlers, and their own selfish desires, will have to experience a world where all doors are closed to them except for that one door always held open by the Lord. When our earthly bodies suffer, our souls may flourish.
You could have hoped that before 1965 when we were a stable peoples, and capable of cycles, but the libertarian/ liberal immigration policy has ended that, now we are flooded with a never ending mass of foreigners, almost all democrat voters, who will never have any idea of the America pre-1960s, nor ever care, they never have and never will share the ideas, ideals, and faith, and social conservatism of the people who created this nation.