Unlike Hussein whose Father was Kenyan and citizen of the British Crown —— Hence, Obummer could not have been President either, Right?
John McCain was born in a then American territory, the Canal Zone. I still think he is/was ineligible because he was not born in the United States proper. I think Rubio is unfortunately also unqualified by birth to non citizen parents. More unfortunately, citizenship of any sort is pretty much a moot point and will be formally so when the current resident illegal alien in the WH finally proclaims his status after he leaves office or after he makes it permanent. General subsurface knowledge of the alien status of the current president has already softened Republican attitudes about running non Natural Borns. Democrats have long believed that anyone in the world is eligible to run for the US presidency and should be able to vote in US presidential elections on the theory that every act of the United States affects everyone in the world thus everyone should have political access.