People have been eating 'Wonder Bread' since the 1950's. It's perfectly safe - unlike Brown Rice that's filled with arsenic... (See Consumer Reports - November 2012 for a full listing of arsenic laden rice products - Carolina Whole Grain Brown Rice comes in at 6.4 to 8.7 micrograms of arsenic per serving.)
Run from the Carolina and Delta brown rice, Barbara's brown rice crisps, and Lundberg Sweet Dreams Eco-farmed Brown rice syrup... waaaay to much arsenic. And skip the grilled tuna. Enjoy spun white bread - it's good for you.
Actually I wasn’t talking about wonder. ANY bread, white or wheat will last indefinitely now with only a slight change in flavor and consistency.
I eat it. But I can’t see how it can be ‘good’ for me. EVERYTHING we have access to is a chem factory today. There is no way around it. Even seeds are GM so we can’t even grow our own unmolested food.