It was a class of Juniors. I doubt I’d be talking like that to middle-schoolers/elementary-aged students.
The point is, every public school child is basically protected by a thin layer of...nothing, when it comes to these nightmare scenarios. And that ought to be unacceptable. In light of yesterday’s events I was wanting a “peace-maker” on my belt, and all that was there was a belt loop.
I know the HS my daughter attends isn’t at all safe and there are way too many entrances into the buildings... it was built in the 60’s and set up “wing style” with a 100—500 wings that are all seperate buildings with class rooms in them and each of those buildings has a minimum of 4 entrances..
I was doing some contract work for her school and I could drive up and enter the wings as I wished and NO ONE ever asked me who I was.. EVER... I was just going about my business taking care of getting fiber into the IT room but still I was in and out of every wing and all the doors were open...
This is just one school of thousands in Texas.
We are completely unprepared for this. The School employees are the best defense for our children that attend public schools. Arm them I say and train them. We trust them to mold young minds but not carry a weapon?
Geeze I hate Liberal logic.