“The government banned a commonly-occurring weed that has killed exactly nobody in 25,000 years...”
People die every day while under the influence of that commonly-occurring weed - they wreck their cars, fall off stuff, make bad decisions around machinery, etc.
If you don’t believe me, go hang out at a trauma center sometime.
People die every day while under the influence of that commonly-occurring weed - they wreck their cars, fall off stuff, make bad decisions around machinery, etc.
Ditto for alcohol - should government ban it?
People die every day while under the influence of that commonly-occurring weed - they wreck their cars, fall off stuff, make bad decisions around machinery, etc.
You can make the same point about alcohol times a zillion. I guess we should ban that, too.
People die under the influence of perfectly legal products too. They also die under the influence of nothing. What can we do about that?