if after 4 years of the public and govt not giving a ship for some reason and then voting for the Kenyan again(even with voter fraud this turd still got around 50%)....do you really think this will get legs NOW???
no the birthers (and I agree with them, something rotten in Denmark ) will push the agenda for four more years till the POSOTUS either is done with his 2 terms...or decides he is good enough for a third.
The average Obama-loon and the entire liberal law bar and law academics could care less about Barry having two US citizen parents to be NBC, but most (but not all) believe that you have to be born on US soil to be president.
Yes, there are some who will say that if he has just one US citizen parent mom, he is eligible wherever he was born but they are a small minority.
So I personally only expect eligibility to get legs if new positive evidence of a foreign birth is found. Lack of positive evidence, such as the LFBC forgery, won't cut it, IMO. The state of HI “affirmation” to the AG SOS that something in their files covered Barry before the election.
To cut through that there must be new evidence that the “something” in the HI records could be defective.