To: TigersEye
Thanks for the correction on Attkisson (it is late here in FL). CBS has been ankle-biting Barry, too! The CNN coverage on Benghazi by Blitzer is openly presuming that Susan Rice had to know that what she was saying was false and therefore she had instructions to lie for Barry during the election. I am just speculating that FOX is not the only cable channel that could decide to go after Barry. It would clearly be much better to have a cable network other than FOX make the case as that could not be readily dismissed as partisan by Obots.
45 posted on
12/02/2012 10:56:20 PM PST by
(Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:
To: Seizethecarp
With enough blood in the water they will all go after him. Well, maybe not MSLSD. But it’s their nature. They’re scorpions and Barry is more than halfway across the river now.
46 posted on
12/02/2012 11:00:36 PM PST by
(Who is John Galt?)
To: Seizethecarp
It would clearly be much better to have a cable network other than FOX make the case as that could not be readily dismissed as partisan by Obots.
I agree. I find it strange that the Obots just believe everything the other media and the Obama mouthpieces say to indicate that Fox News is slanted Conservative on their programs, when they have people like metrosexual/queer Shep Smith and the constant race card player Geraldo.
Then, there are others like Bob Beckel and Juan Williams who are obviously liberal and don’t hide the fact. ...Others like Kirsten Powers, a liberal Dem, are at least balanced enough to recognize when her party of choice is wrong and often espouses more conservative views.
57 posted on
12/03/2012 3:52:45 AM PST by
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