1. Reduce the number of colors of properties from 8 to 2 (Red and Blue). Eight groups of 2-3 properties facilitates suburban sprawl. Two groups of properties concentrates the homes into a denser infrastructure and eliminates competition amongst landowners.
2. Replace houses with apartments. Houses require mortgages, which are unfair barriers to ownership for many people. It's better that the city owns all the aparments and that the people pay rent to the treasury rather than mortgages to the bank.
3. Owners of Blue properties go to jail after rolling 3 doubles in a row. Owners of Red properties go to jail after rolling 2 doubles in a row. Owners of railroads and public utilities never go to jail.
4. Only the wealthiest 1% of players must pay the luxury and income taxes.
5. When the wealthiest 1% pass Go, their $200 is immediately placed in ObamaParking. If a 1 percenter lands on ObamaParking, the money is divided equally amongst the remaining 99 percenters.
Exceptional response. I imagine the now empty spots on the door Federal Wilderness Zones that send you to jail if you land on one. More Community Chest and Chance spots, and a bunch of spots that now reflect your increased involvement with the government (IRS spot, Death Panel spot, National Service spot, etc.)