I used to work for a non union printing company that printed union contracts. They chose us specifically because we weren’t union and could got the job done cheaply and would do it on an “on call” basis. If the union negotiations ended in the middle of the night, I would get a call and get up and go to work.
Good luck getting a union company to do that.
“A non-union printing company that printed union contracts.
they chose you specifically because you weren’t union and could get the job done cheaply and would do it on an “on call” basis.”
There is more irony there than even my hard-charging brain
can process. What you are suggesting and what it proves is that unions can’t even deal with themselves! BUT THEY’D LIKE ALL OF US TO DEAL WITH THEM.
There’s so much in your short response it should serve as a prime example of what’s wrong with Unions.