>>>These are Chicago thugs running this country. Blackmail to them would be business as usual.
Chicago thugs are probably involved, but this thing seems to be so well thought out and such a careful application of classic spy craft, that I’m thinking Putin and old Soviet remnants are the handlers in all this.
Quite some time ago, there was an excellent post on FR bizarre and frightening that some of you might remember. It had to do with a personal experience the poster had while in Russia. A Russian official mentioned to the poster that he predicted that the US would one day have a black President who would convert the country to communism. If I remember correctly, the poster seemed to suggest that this was more than a casual observation by the Russian, but rather a hint that this was a kind of Grand Strategy, planned many years in advance for taking down the US from the inside.
When I think about the birth certificate issue (even an ex-Scotland Yard sleuth can’t find anything definite); the rumors about multiple Social Security Numbers; the Frank Marshall Davis connection; etc., it doesn’t point to Chicago thugs. This is BIG. This is war at a high strategic level.
Just wondering if any FReepers remember that article?
Yes, I do.