There is a large number of bi-national families who live in Mexico near the U.S. border. They have U.S. and Mexican citizenship. They come across the border to give birth and collect welfare and go home to Mexico. There must be hundreds of them all claiming to live at the same U.S. address. You should see the parking lot of the county welfare office in Chula Vista. The parking lot is full of cars with Baja California licence plates. These people consider themselves to be Mexican. The only reason they want U.S. citizenship is to get the freebies. Period.
This does not surprise me in the least. This whole hand wringing about “how do we win the hispanics” is an enormous waste of time. Personally, I am convinced and was even before this election that the ballot box has become a worthless lost cause. We have refused to secure our borders allowing people in who don’t give a flaming rat’s ass about the principles of liberty and the ideals this country was founded upon.
For the short term, my advice is to arm up and excercise one’s 2nd Ammendment rights as aggressively as possible.
Anyone who is white and unarmed in this coming society is probably as good as dead. Lock & Load.