Dennis Kucinich started this last minute impeachment crap when Bush was president and the simple fact is that an impeachment takes time (Lots of time). The Clinton impeachment took nearly two years from start to finish.
The fact is, congressional investigations and hearings are a complete waste of time and nothing but show. Our congressmen go into hearings to find out who has dirt on who and make deals on how to keep it out of sight.
Can anyone remember the last time a congressional hearing or investigation accomplished anything of real value?
Operative word is “may” If he is reelected, that likelihood increases.
It's possible that gross incompetence would make Congress move towards impeachment and a president might resign to end the process, but I don't see that happening any time soon. Impeachment and conviction have a lot to do with just who controls Congress and by what margin, and the process often comes to be seen as vindictive by voters before a result is reached.
Do Congressional hearings ever change anything? Well, a lot did change in the 1950s for people like Charles Van Doren and Alan Freed. Congressional hearings are usually grandstanding by publicity-hungry senators and representatives, but a series of hearings like those we saw in the 1970s (Nixon impeachment, CIA, assassinations) can do a lot to change the country and its mood.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. They protect their own. PERIOD.
Yes. When we impeached Ken Starr. We ran that guy right out of town.