One BIG difference is that McGovern flew over 25 bombing missions in Europe in WWII - one of the most dangerous assignments you could have. He was one brave, tough young man willing to give it all for his country. I may have disagreed with his politics but I respected the heck out of him and would have been proud to buy him a beer had I ever met him. Don’t even mention him in the same breath as that jug-eared wimp.
Also, McGovern was a war hero.
There is no comparison to McGovern. 0bama is closer to socialist/communist leaders from other Nations than any American President/leader. Except maybe Wilson and LBJ and a cheap knock off version of FDR. Oh and Carter. And the currupt influences of a JFK.
Between the two, McGovern was far more dangerous, as he was more than willing to utterly capitulate to the Soviet Union.
Among his other platform ideas:
US out of Vietnam in exchange for our prisoners. Amnesty for draft dodgers. “Demogrant”, giving $1000 to every American (later dropped from platform.)
Government provided jobs for all Americans, with a guaranteed minimum income. “Public service employment must be greatly expanded in order to make the government the employer of last resort and guarantee a job for all.”
37% reduction in defense spending.
The “equitable distribution of wealth and income”.
Rewarding banks with federal deposit funds for “investing in socially productive endeavors.”
Passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.