The is no doubt in my mind that, when Obama and his campaign advisers first heard of the attack in Benghazi where our ambassador was killed along with 3 other Americans, that their first thought was about how the attacks would affect the campaign and could derail it. The murder of the ambassador and the other 3 came at a very inconvenient time, with about 2 months left in the campaign and just before the first debate.
So, the first thought was not about the dead or about the attacks or about Al-Qaeda or terrorism; the first thought in Ooama’s mind and that of his campaign advisers was about, how to spin the event into something completely different from what is was. The message to his campaign staff and to his cabinet was to change the attacks to make them appear as motivated by the anti-Mohammed video. They were not, by any means, let it appear to have been motivated by terrorism, because, the whole mantra in the last year had been that, Al-Qaeda had been decimated and what was left was on the run and insignificant, and that the war on terror was largely won. The Benghazi terrorist attacks put the lie about Obama’s foreign policy on the front burner, and, of course, Obama and his advisers couldn’t afford to let the truth out, and so, for more than a month, everything coming out of Obama’s mouth and that of his campaign advisers, have been total lies.
The ambassador and the other 3 dead Americans, were just bumps on the road of his campaign, and Obama should be removed from office, and, even after the election, whether he wins or not, he should be impeached for lying to the American people so blatantly, about a foreign policy which has put our people in the line of fire, and virtually defenseless. Beyond the impeachment, he should be made to apologize to the families of he dead, and to the American people, for dereliction of duty and for being so uncaring.
No question what their concerns were. . .and they are ‘all’ political. Which is why; first ‘outing’ was against Mitt; for ‘daring’ to to comment on Egypt - when asked, yet - and so, team Obama, mixed their ‘spit’ and fired it off on Mitt - their best scapegoat to ascribe the worst of politcal motives - albeit; they were their own; of course.