Bunch of them in the DC area got together for a big barbeque (of fresh raw hamburger and sorghum bread) at a park along the Occoquan Tuesday evening. They even had a fireworks show.
I think the New Years celebration moves to a different day next year.
Frankly, if they are chasing you around trying to murder you on account of your religion or race I'm always going to go soft on the dirt and erratic behavior ~ that's 'cause I"m an American and that's what we do.
Today is the Coptic new year.
Not sure if the reports that this guy is Coptic even made it to Egypt - and it will do so ONLY if the Muslim Brotherhood/Egyptian government thinks it will serve their purposes.
Right now I think they are content to let it be known that he is an American and purportedly Israeli.
Maybe when the fervor against America dies down they can recycle it and re-purpose it to direct the mob against Coptic Christians.
Used to row Crew on the Occoquan. Beautiful location. Too bad they don't allow swimming. But I remember taking a beautiful woman out in a Crew double and ‘accidentally’ tipping it over so we could swim around a little and cool off. ;)