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Obama Long Close Connection to Bill Ayers Father: Obama Slogan 'Forward' - Marxist Communist Roots
Maggie's Notebook ^ | 9-4-12 | Maggie@MaggiesNotebook

Posted on 09/04/2012 4:47:42 PM PDT by maggiesnotebook

Remember Obama saying Domestic Terrorist, Weatherman Bill Ayers, was "just a guy in the neighborhood?" Even the most ardent Obama supporter can't swallow that almost four years after his reign began. They might ignore it, but they know it's a big "effing" deal, as the current Vice President of the United States might say. The following points to the incontrovertible truth that Obama's 2012 campaign slogan "Forward," is a Socialist, Marxist, Communist mantra used for at least, close to 100 years. A very close relationship between Bill Ayers' father, Tom Ayers to Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis is revealed, with Tom Ayers instrumental in getting Obama a job in Chicago. You'll read that Wikipedia, upon the launch of the Obama "Forward" campaign, scrubbed all references and connections to "Forward" and Marxism origins.

Portions of the following are taken from a Glenn Beck video, dated May 2012 and other sources. The Beck video is fairly long, so you can find my summation and a snippet of transcript several paragraphs down.

The word "Forward," Obama's 2012 campaign slogan carries a special meaning in socialist political terminology. It has been frequently used as a name for socialist, communist and other left-wing newspapers and publications. The slogan "Forward" is a nod to yesteryear and all that Obama's Dad had dreams of and Obama received dreams from.

The slogan "Forward!" reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism...

There have been at least two radical-left publications named "Vorwaerts" (the German word for "Forward"). One was the daily newspaper of the Social Democratic Party of Germany whose writers included Friedrich Engels and Leon Trotsky. It still publishes as the organ of Germany's SDP, though that party has changed considerably since World War II. Another was the 1844 biweekly reader of the Communist League. Karl Marx, Engels and Mikhail Bakunin are among the names associated with that publication. Source: Washington Times

Do you know the word, "Froward." Ken Blackwell does, and titles his Daily Caller Opinion piece today "Froward," meaning "habitually disposed to disobedience" and "opposition."
When Democrats convene today in Charlotte, North Carolina, to formally adopt their platform, they will be giving in to disobedience and opposition. Voters in the Tar Heel State strongly endorsed true marriage just last May. Like voters in 31 other states, the people are saying loud and clear: Don’t mess with true marriage.

But the party bigs are defiant, determined to shove counterfeit marriage down the throats of the people.

North Carolinians rejected former President Bill Clinton’s advice to evolve beyond the position he took when he signed the Defense of Marriage Act into law in 1996. They voted instead to affirm the eloquent voice of Rev. Billy Graham.

The 61% vote in North Carolina for true marriage belied the claims of the marriage-enders that polls prove Americans are ready to move on. Even Tom Jensen of the liberal Public Policy Polling firm admitted: “Hate to say it, but I don’t believe polls showing majority support for gay marriage nationally. Any time there’s a vote, it doesn’t back it up.” That’s right, polls are not votes.

Forward and Froward this week in Charlotte at the Democratic Party convention.

Glenn Beck Snyopsis from video along with my insertions (not a transcript): Tom Ayers, Bill Ayers' father - a radical Left-winger, and the powerful head of Con-Edison, was very good friends with Obama mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. Obama's mother, Ann Dunham was married to Lolo Soetoro and living in Indonesia with her son Barack. She sent Barack back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents (grandparents who moved to Washington State from Ponca City, Oklahoma to Mercer Island, Washington to enroll daughter Ann, Barry's mother, in a new high school with Communist leanings).

When Barry Soetoro got to Hawaii, Grandpa Dunham hooked him up with Frank Marshall Davis, a Black Communist poet, for "mentoring." Obama mentions "Frank" many times in his book Dreams From My Father. Obama's stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, got a job with an Indonesian oil company where he had to fraternize with American oil executives, and Ann's affection began to wain, saying those people are "not my people." Divorce ensued.

So Tom Ayers was a close friend of Frank Marshall Davis. According to Beck, Tom Ayers helped Obama "break into the Chicago scene," where Frank Marshall Davis now lived and was active with the Chicago Communist party.

Beck points to the absurdity of Obama being appointed to the Board of the Annenberg Challenge with Tom Ayers assistance, but claims to not have known Bill Ayers (he was just a guy in the neighborhood) who hosted an Obama campaign event in his own home. Also NEVER discussed is that the terrorist Bill Ayers and Obama shared an office for three years while working with the Annenberg Challenge - not to mention the millions of Annenberg money Obama funneled to Ayers' Small Schools project.

The video below was put on Beck's site in May 2012. He says the Wikipedia entry was scrubbed when Obama announced his new campaign slogan - deleting references to Marxists and Socialists. "Forward" is a popular Socialist slogan as well.

It was used by the Leading Light Communist Organization. It was used by Mao, the Great Leap Forward - which killed 45 Million people in 4 years. Lenin used it as propaganda - Forward for the Motherland...

Here's a portion of the transcript of Beck's conclusion:'s just another unlucky coincidence for a free market loving president who has a fluksey, flukey Marxist-kind-of-association-streak going on. It's almost as coincidental as Frank Marshall Davis being friends with Bill Ayers' dad, or the Marxist professor friends, or the Communists in the White House or the Grandma and Grandpa sending him to the Little Red School House, which was a Communist school, or the Marxist pastor - the launch of a campaign at a terrorist's house, Bill Ayers. He hires Marxist and Mao loving administration officials.

You see it's the whole, and then there's the policies...if you are being lied to from the beginning, if someone is hiding what their true intent is, you can't fight for Barack Obama because you don't know what his true intent would be impossible for this man to escape it [Marxist tendencies] because that's what he has been surrounded by his whole life and that is undisputed. You cannot dispute this. You'd be surprised, honestly, if he wasn't a Marxist, but if he wasn't, he'd be one of the smartest guys ever.

He'd be one of the best and most effective guys to stop Marxism and point to Communism and say 'I know what that is and it's bad.' Somewhere he would have said, in his life, if he had a turning point he would have said "guys, guys, I love ya. Look Mom I love you. You're a Communist and that's okay, you're a Communist - I'm not. I'm a free market person. That doesn't mean I don't love you. Grandpa and Grandma, you're Communists, Frank you're a Communist...I appreciate it Mr. Ayers for all the jobs you have given me but you're a radical. Your son's a terrorist. I don't agree with any of this stuff.'

He'd have a better understanding of this stuff. He'd have a real clear understanding of what was happening in our streets, if he were a Communist and then he was a free market guy, because we know the first part is true. He was raised by Communists. He was raised by radicals and he was steeped in it - he would recognize it...

(I don't know what Beck is referring to when he says Grandma and Grandpa Dunham sent Obama to the "Little Red Schoolhouse." If you know, clue me in comments or by email, please.)

Beck goes on to say if Obama had turned his back on Communism and Marxism, he would have warned America's children, and I believe he intimates would have given the warning to the "occupiers." You may get a different feeling about that than I.

Not to be forgotten is Obama's directorship of the Joyce Foundation which spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to influence the Supreme Court on Second Amendment decisions - bottom line, influencing the neutering of gun ownership rights. Valerie Jarrett, the "other half of Barack's brain," served on the Board of the Joyce Foundation. She lived next-door to the boy she eventually married. His father was a Communist youth leader and became her father-in-law.

Western Journalism:

[Obama] will not unseal his medical records, his school records, his birth records or his passport records. He will not release his Harvard records, his Columbia College records, or his Occidental College records—he will not even release his Columbia College thesis. All his legislative records from the Illinois State Senate are missing and he claims his scheduling records during those State Senate years are lost as well. In addition, no one can find his school records for the elite K-12 college prep school, Punahou School, he attended in Hawaii.

What is he hiding? Well, for starters, some of these records will shed light on his citizenship and birth.

For example, Obama’s application to Punahou School – now mysteriously missing – would likely contain a birth certificate. And, according to attorney Gary Kreep, “his Occidental College records are important as they may show he attended there as a foreign exchange student.” Indeed, Obama used his Indonesian name “Barry Soetoro” while attending Occidental. Kreep has filed lawsuits challenging Obama’s eligibility to be president and as part of his lawsuit he requested Obama’s records from Occidental. However, Obama’s lawyers quickly moved to stop Occidental from honoring this request.

If you don't feel the terror of 'Forward' in your gut, even without knowing that it is rooted in Socialist, Marxist and Communist history, you now have to think about your President sending this glaring message to people around the world - a message of how America is to go "Forward." View the Glenn Beck video here.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Government; History; Politics
KEYWORDS: barackobama; communism; marxism; socialism
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1 posted on 09/04/2012 4:47:50 PM PDT by maggiesnotebook
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To: maggiesnotebook
"A very close relationship between Bill Ayers' father, Tom Ayers to Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis"

I hadn't heard that before. Is that in "2016"?

2 posted on 09/04/2012 4:51:28 PM PDT by Paladin2
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To: maggiesnotebook

Forward his mail to a new address.

3 posted on 09/04/2012 4:54:24 PM PDT by samtheman (Obama. Mugabe. Chavez. (Obamugavez))
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To: maggiesnotebook

Obama is a marxist, pure and simple. His grandparents, who raised him, were marxists. His mother and “father” were marxists. His grandparents went out of their way to enroll his mother in the only openly marxist university in the country at the time. His “mentor,” arranged by his marxist grandfather, was a marxist. His adopted father was a marxist. He was raised by feral marxists in the wild. He married a marxist. He has associated almost exclusively with other marxists. He began his political career at the home of a marxist terrorist who not only remains free, but is also responsible for shaping young minds at a major American university. He attended a marxist, anti-white “church” for twenty years. He was a member of the marxist New Party in Chicago. He has surrounded himself with other marxists during his stint in the White House, from advisers to unconstitutional appointees to supreme court justices. His policies and those of his appointees are clearly marxist in nature to anyone who has a lick of sense and even a cursory knowledge of Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto. He and his marxist wife immediately upon occupation replaced all of the books on liberty and republican government in the White House library with books on marxism, maoism, and a post-American world (his reputed favorite, by the way). He and his marxist wife hung marxist and maoist ornaments on the White House Christmas tree.

4 posted on 09/04/2012 4:56:07 PM PDT by ronnyquest (I spent 20 years in the Army fighting the enemies of freedom only to see marxism elected at home.)
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To: ronnyquest

Uh, he’s not a duck, he’s a goose.

5 posted on 09/04/2012 4:59:39 PM PDT by Paladin2
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To: Paladin2

If it was, I missed it.

I didn’t know that either.

I had read of the relationship between Valerie Jarret’s father-in-law and Frank, though. Its a close circle.

6 posted on 09/04/2012 5:02:38 PM PDT by marron
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To: Paladin2

Let’s just hope his goose is cooked.

7 posted on 09/04/2012 5:05:11 PM PDT by smoothsailing
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To: Paladin2

Paladin2, no it wasn’t in 2016 that I can remember. I believe it happened through Frank Marshall Davis’ friendship with Tom Ayers. Beck doesn’t explain but does emphasize it. I know that Arpaio found a mailman who delivered mail to Tom Ayers house in Chicago and remembers Mrs. Ayers introducing him to a tall, think young Black man, who he believes was Barack Obama (Soetoro at that time). She told the postman he was an exchange student and they were helping with his education (assuming the story is true) I see a number of references to Tom Ayers and Davis around the Internet.

I also see that Valerie Jarrett’s mother appointed Tom Ayers to the Erickson Group’s Board of Trustee, and Jarrett’s father-in-law worked for The Chicago Defender, as did Frank Marshall Davis (a communist newspaper).

8 posted on 09/04/2012 5:08:20 PM PDT by maggiesnotebook
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To: ronnyquest

ronnyquest, that Maoist Christmas ball was way over the top, yet in the public arena. They don’t care.

9 posted on 09/04/2012 5:09:40 PM PDT by maggiesnotebook
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To: maggiesnotebook

Forward to ever bigger, more controlling, more oppressive government. Forward to the glorious people’s democratic republic. Forward to the dictatorship of the proletariat.

10 posted on 09/04/2012 5:18:23 PM PDT by all the best (`~!)
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To: maggiesnotebook

Wikipedia Deletes President Obama’s New Marxist Campaign Slogan Link to Socialists

Read more:

Vorwarts = Forward (1844 Radical Magazine)!

“Forward” information was suppressed on Wiki but they missed the German name for it - “Vorwarts”. Decent references/footnotes at site.

Thanks Maggie - it needs to get more attention. Obama is taking us back to pre-Founders rather than “forward”.

11 posted on 09/04/2012 5:20:46 PM PDT by bronxville ( Obama "The true engine of economic growth will always be companies like Solyndra")
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To: maggiesnotebook; All
- Vorwart = Forward
12 posted on 09/04/2012 5:22:35 PM PDT by bronxville ( Obama "The true engine of economic growth will always be companies like Solyndra")
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To: maggiesnotebook

Germans singing Vorwart! Vorwart!

13 posted on 09/04/2012 5:24:15 PM PDT by bronxville ( Obama "The true engine of economic growth will always be companies like Solyndra")
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To: bronxville

YOutube commentary:

“The same hitler youth song Vorwärts! Vorwärts! (forward forward) :please read all of this: this one is translated with pictures just to show the meaning of the song and what they are saying. this does not make me a nazi and i do not plan to be one in the future! :WARNING: this video may offend you. i may have not translated some right.”

14 posted on 09/04/2012 5:29:32 PM PDT by bronxville ( Obama "The true engine of economic growth will always be companies like Solyndra")
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To: Paladin2

There is a lot about Tom Ayers, Chair of Commonwealth Edison, now the biggest electric provider. But back then just the biggest operator of nuclear power plants.

During the Weathermen/underground days, I was active in Chicago’s Alinsky groups that were organizing against big business, including the utilities. Welfare recipients wanted to target Com Ed first, not Peoples Gas. The Alinsky organizers debated the upside and downside of doing so. Part of the debate was that Tom Ayers was on the left, but the establishment left...think European type establishtment left. But the organizers were most concerned about getting into the middle of the tiff between father and son. They consciously chose to stay away and target Peoples Gas. I’ve got to say, the People’s Gas protests were some of the most fun. Nothing accomplished..but exciting.

Repeatedly others in chicago decided whether to go after ComEd with the Tom-Bill father-son relationship a major consideration. Check out the early days of Pat Quinn and CUB before it was CUB.

15 posted on 09/04/2012 5:31:20 PM PDT by spintreebob
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To: maggiesnotebook

16 posted on 09/04/2012 5:33:19 PM PDT by usconservative (When The Ballot Box No Longer Counts, The Ammunition Box Does. (What's In Your Ammo Box?))
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To: ronnyquest

“He and his marxist wife immediately upon occupation replaced all of the books on liberty and republican government in the White House library with books on marxism, maoism, and a post-American world”

I don’t doubt this, but ive never seen it before. Is there a source or reference please?

17 posted on 09/04/2012 5:48:32 PM PDT by DesertRhino (I was standing with a rifle, waiting for soviet paratroopers, but communists just ran for office.)
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To: all the best

If God forbid, 0bama is reelected,my US Stars and Stripes will come down and be furled until we are rid of this disease in the WH and the infection and cancer in Washington. I may just fly the pirates skull and cross bones.

18 posted on 09/04/2012 6:03:38 PM PDT by celtic gal
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19 posted on 09/04/2012 6:29:58 PM PDT by phockthis ( ...)
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To: maggiesnotebook

I understand that people are now taught, if at all, that Chairman Mao was some kind of wise old uncle fluffy bunny type revolutionary. The fact that his “revolution” killed over 60 million people is never mentioned. Of course, the faults of marxists and marxism rarely are.

20 posted on 09/04/2012 7:03:32 PM PDT by ronnyquest (I spent 20 years in the Army fighting the enemies of freedom only to see marxism elected at home.)
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