Because we have the most guns of any part of the country and know how to use them?
The South aren’t liberals by nature.
They hate the South because it is usually a solidly Republican bloc. They hate the South because the people tend to be religious and skeptical of new liberal ideas. On the late night shows and sit coms they constantly portray Southerners as dumb incestuous yokels. As a lifelong Kentuckian, my state probably gets it the worst of all. Though people in Arkansas and West Virginia might argue with me about that.
According the demographics, the libs would get the west coast and a few New England states (and maybe one or two mid-western states), but the rest would be a pretty contiguous, solidly conservative nation.
The only sticky point I see is getting the libs in conservative-land to go to the new liberal-land, and getting the conservatives out who would be stuck in liberal-land. A house and/or job swap database set up to help expedite things?
Divide and conquer, remember that. The dixiecrat mentality still exists among the sniveling politicians of the old school. Time to introduce them to the new school of REAL equality.
Oh, and by the way....
#1 It wasn't a Civil War; it was a War of Secession. A civil war is between factions who want to take over the government. The South wasn't after that; it wanted to leave and be independent.
#2 Slavery was not the main reason for the War of Secession. While it was certainly one of the issues, the primary reason was states rights: the sovereignty of the states, and the powers of the states versus the encroaching federal powers.
As a Southerner, I'm tired of these myths.
Well it looks like this blog was a review of a review - but be that as it may - looks like an awful book based on sophomoric misunderstandings and cliches.
They hate us because they can't aspire to our confidence and competence, with their weak, fashionable, pretty men and black-clad, foul-tempered leftist women.
They hate us because we pray, we believe, we preserve our traditions. We stand against the efforts to destroy our nation and the culture of Western, Christian civilization.
They hate us because darkness hates the Light.
I think some of the reasons are (regardless of order, relevance, importance, or even truth):
- South fought a war against the union. This is the big one.
- South’s history is filled with racism and xenophobia. Again, this is another big one.
- South is seen as economically backwards. This is changing for sure.
- South is seen as hypocritically self-righteous. This is so subjective, I don’t think it will change.
- South is seen as feudal society with masses of simpletons controlled by evil elites. When/if South overtakes the crumbling North, South will be seen as just evil.
Because they have never been there and tasted BBQ..
Chuck Thompson is trying to sell a book. The more outrageous he makes it, the more copies he'll sell in certain markets (and the easier and more fun it is for him to write -- without all that tough, troublesome stuff like accuracy or fairness).
Richard Williams has a blog to promote, and this is good fodder for him to get people's juices flowing (it's nice that he hasn't exploited this as much as he could, though).
Anybody who gets worked up about this is just playing into the hype. It's not real, folks.
When we sit for too long without a common threat, we start fighting with each other. It even came to blows in the mid 19th century. We're in another such period now. This could happen again unless something new comes along to unify us.
As the nation's fiscal situation worsens, the harder it will be for states to leave without triggering a fight. Today, it sounds like the libs would consider it worthwhile just to see conservative electoral votes go away. In 20 years, they'll want to fight over every oil well, hydro dam, industrial park and anything else of value.
Most abolitionists thought good riddance at the time. And they had a point as regards their obsession, since without the Fugitive Slave Act the peculiar institution would die sooner. However, the North absolutely wouldn’t have been better off. They’d.have been plunged into a depression precipitously with a free or quasi-free trade zone to the south. Trade would jump from New York to Charleston, etc. And without revenue from King Cotton and the tariff as assessed at southern ports goodbye to most of the protective scheme for northern industry and the massive redistributionism that was “internal improvements.”
Methinks that’s why Lincoln really went to war. For the same reason among others we’re so dang interested in the Middle East these days: national defence construed as national interest construed as economic interest construed as the economic interest of some powerful faction of society.
Such was the short and middle term interest of the North, anyway. As for longterm, maybe they would have changed their ways and been better off.
The hate the south because the south used to be solid democrat. A republican in office in the south was a very rare bird.
They hate the south because they lost all those votes.
Because we had the audacity to challenge federal authority at one time and we have threatened to do it again. Many Southerners still have that mindset; you know, independence.
Also, we have the greatest number of guns and people who know how to use them, plus the greatest number of self-sufficient, self-reliant people who have absolutely no need for the federal government.