It's a fundamental principle and people are sick and tied of these asswipes trying to spifflicate our way of life!
“his is NOT about gay marriage!”
Absolutely true. This is about telling the Jack Booted Thugs (in this case the respective Mayors of Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, etc) that we will no longer tolerate their evil, their attempts to rule by fear, their attempts to stomp anything and anyone they do not agree with, or who do not agree with them, into the ground.
Let this continue! Not just in this instance, but in all their other attempts to subdue the masses. It is time to take our STAND!
It is time to let this ‘cluck’ be heard loud and clear in November. And it is time to make the ‘moderates’ (spell that RHINO’s) in politics to fear us even as we stomp the evil left.