A-G:"And I do hope you will consider doing that multidimensional graphic because it is such an important - and difficult - concept in understanding God's Name I AM."
I don't know whether to rejoice -- or weep -- over that encouraging word... So far, I have been unsuccessful in re-locating the Canvas file in which I was creating making that graphic. My fear is that It may have been stored on a Western Digital external drive that recently ceased to function...:-(
IIRC, I had it labeled across the bottom i(looking forward in time) from God's Creation reference-frame perspective, and across the top (looking backward in time) from Man's geo-centered reference-frame perspective.
FWIW, I seem to recall you or BB commenting on my labeling the present era as "The age of Man" or some such...
BTW, would one of you have a copy of the JPEG of it I sent you? AHA! if I sent it to you on FR, I had to have put a copy online on my domain -- and, here it is:
Unfortunately, this is only the 2-D "outline" version. I know I expanded it into perspective 3-D, filled with astronomical objects and such, and with a circular-section "slice" shown to represent the "Universal NOW"...
IIRC, I was considering postulating the advent of Christ as the end of God's seventh day, and showing us in the "church age" as His eighth day... (My justification for that postulate is that, with the advent of our Lord, God became manifestly and indisputably active in the events of His creation, and was/is no longer in a passive, resting mode.) [I KNOW for a fact that He is actively guiding and impacting my life -- and yours...]
I struggle with the concept that God ever completely removed His guiding hand from His creation (put it "on autopilot", controlled only by his designed-in "laws"). But, if he, indeed, did so, it most likely was during that seventh "rest day"...
BTW, IMHO, a vertical line anywhere across that diagram would represent a single, dimensioness example of a "Universal NOW".
The concept of God's "Universal NOW" is clear in my mind. I hope I am able to resurrect and improve my work to graphically share my concept of it with other Believers!
His Name is I AM!
kathsua, as OP, please consider yourself copied to all of my comments..
I'm thrilled you found it!
One concept I'd love to see illustrated in your graphic is that a photon sent from a star to an observer some million light years away might spend 10 million years getting there because space/time itself expands while the photon is en route.
Perhaps the bottom of the graphic showing Days 1 through 6 could be proportionally changed using Dr. Schroeder's calculations in The Age of the Universe:
(In case you want to know, this exponential rate of expansion has a specific number averaged at 10 to the 12th power. That is in fact the temperature of quark confinement, when matter freezes out of the energy: 10.9 times 10 to the 12th power Kelvin degrees divided by (or the ratio to) the temperature of the universe today, 2.73 degrees. That's the initial ratio which changes exponentially as the universe expands.)
The calculations come out to be as follows:
The second day, from the Bible's perspective lasted 24 hours. From our perspective it lasted half of the previous day, 4 billion years.
The third 24 hour day also included half of the previous day, 2 billion years.
The fourth 24 hour day ― one billion years.
The fifth 24 hour day ― one-half billion years.
The sixth 24 hour day ― one-quarter billion years.